illustration / sketches / character design / 3D

Commission Information


ART TRADES: OPEN [ 2D, single character only. ]

COLLABORATIONS: OPEN [ 2D, small, non-commercial collabs only. ]

Subjects eligible for 15% discount (does not stack with existing discounts.)
List will change depending on what subjects are interesting to me at the moment.
Any Medium:
Surreal humanoids, aliens, chickens.
3D Lowpoly:

[ Commissions RSS ] - Receive notifications via RSS when commissions are open.

If you are looking for how to contact me, the information is available at the bottom of this page.

Days invoices are sent out: Monday through Thursday. I do not generally work on artwork during the weekends (Saturday and Sunday.)
Feel free to contact me regarding commissions at any time, including weekends (response time may be slower during the weekends.)
After accepting a commission, I will not send the invoice until the client has confirmed they are ready to receive the invoice.


prices are in USD


1:1 Portrait - starts @ $65
Half-Body - starts @ $90
Full-Body - starts @ $125
Starting price is for single low complexity character with low detail background. 

Have your character or idea rendered in a dark, surreal style (I can do brighter imagery as well!) Paintings are created digitally using brushes and textures resembling traditional media.
Works with all character detail levels. 
Favorite painting subjects: Creatures, animals, aliens, unusual humanoids.

starts @ $35
Starting price is for 1 - 3 low complexity characters.
An affordable option full of expression! Up to 6 doodles can be created into transparent .PNGs or .GIFs, a wonderful option for those who enjoy to decorate their webpages or print out stickers for their personal craft projects.
Works best with low and medium detailed characters. High detail characters may have to be simplified.
Anyone who leaves a tip at my [ Ko-fi page ] may request a doodle of an OC or animal. Safe-for-work requests only. My Terms of Service still applies to doodle requests.
[[ 3D MODELS ]]

starts @ $50
Starting price is for low complexity character with no alternate textures/geometry and a simple rig.
Have your character brought into the 3rd dimension in this fun retro style! Lowpoly is all about keeping it simple yet recognizable. Much care is put into the silhouette and major forms of these models. They can come in handy as a maquette to use as reference for drawing your character from a difficult angle, or for a fee, can be used in your game or software projects.
Works best with low and medium detailed characters. High detail characters may have to be simplified. 
Favorite 3D model subjects: Creatures, aliens, anthropomorphic characters.

Note: I use Blender 2.79b for lowpoly work and do not yet have knowledge of making animation-ready rigs for 3D models. I make sure that weight paints are clean and that bones of the rig are clearly labeled. All personal / commercial-use models include permissions to edit the rig of the model. There are 3D models [ available for free download @ my Patreon ] if you would like a closer look at my 3D model work. 
starts $ 35
Starting price is for low complexity model with no UV-mapping.
Geometry Only models do not include a texture and rig, it is only the model geometry. The model is to be textured and rigged by client or another artist.
Commercial Use permissions are included with Geometry Only Models by default.

starts @ $25
Starting price is for 4 fullbody angles (single pose): (front, side, back, angle), headshot reference (5 angles), eye reference, hand / foot reference, color palette reference.
- This is a service for the creation of a character reference sheet with commissioned 3D model.
- This service is only for models that I have created.
- Geometry Only model commissions are not eligible for Reference Sheet commissions.

starts @ $28
Starting price is for adjustments to existing geometry and repaint of low complexity texture.
- This is a service for clients who have commissioned 3D models in the past.
- 3D model tune-ups are for updating models to more current versions of the character design, as well as for creating alternate versions of the model.
- 3D models are eligible for update tune-ups 6 months after commission completion. Alternate version tune-ups can be commissioned at any time.
- Tuned-up models retain the permissions of the original model, however tune-ups for commercial-use models will have price increased by 20%.
- Model rigging will need to be redone after tune-up.
- This service is only for models that I have created.
- Discounts do not apply to 3D model tune-ups.
- Geometry Only model commissions are not eligible for 3D model tune-ups.


starts @ $100
Starting price is for 8.5 x 5.5 inch page of 6 flat-color sketches of finalized character design. More artwork of final design can be added at 20% discount.
Character Design Process:
Silhouette and major forms concepts -> Silhouette and forms finalization + details -> Color concepts -> Final sketches


Purchase custom artwork at a flat-rate, only available in a limited quantity and for specific commission types. Once a flat-rate slot is claimed, it will not reopen until the next time I am accepting commissions or whenever I decide to reset slots.
1x Painted Full-Body - $115 any complexity
1x Painted Half-Body - $85 any complexity
1x Lowpoly 3D Model - $70 any complexity, with choice of personal or commercial-use permissions included.
If you wish to claim a flat-rate slot, you will need to specify the slot you wish to claim in the commission inquiry.
Flat-rate slots are also [ available through Ko-fi. ]
Be sure to check the [ Commission Status page ] for flat-rate slot availability. 
If multiple commissions are being purchased by a single client, I will reduce the total price of the commissions by a percentage. (These do not stack with the character design discount.)
2 - 4 Commissions: total price of commissions reduced by 15%.
5+ Commissions: total price of commissions reduced by 20%. 

Returning clients purchasing a commission that is not a character design or flat-rate slot get a 10% discount, and +5% to existing discounts.


Signed Art Print - $14 (Price of US shipping included, + $13 if shipping outside of US.)
Clients may request their commissioned artwork printed onto high-quality 5x7 matte paper, signed on the back by the artist. Margins of prints are usually trimmed, but clients may request to leave the margins untrimmed. Signed prints are handled through Big Cartel or Ko-fi after completion of the commission. (Note: prints of commissions depicting nudity or other graphic material can not be handled through Ko-fi.) Clients interested in a signed print of their commission do not have to request a print at the time of commission request, they can always contact the artist later for a signed print.


- Price of the commission may vary based on complexity, size, and other factors.

- Prices on commission type cards may be changed over time.

- I do enable tipping on my invoices, but tipping is not required.
- To make things a bit easier, I have created a Commission Form that includes some basic questions, [ it can be found here. ] Please read my Terms of Service before contacting me.

- It is okay to send Commission Price Inquiries when I am not accepting commissions, but it might take some time for me to respond.

Content/Prompts that will be Rejected:

1. NSFW / explicit fetish content. Non-sexual nudity is fine though. 

- Semi-suggestive nudity is okay, but the character may have to be covered up a little depending on pose and context.

- Accessories and clothes often associated with fetish such as collars or skin-tight clothing are usually fine, as long as fetish isn't the focus of the image and the overall theme for the image isn't too explicit.

2. Political or religious imagery. 

3. Material depicting or encouraging harm to people or animals.

4. Characters under the age of 18 years in adult or violent situations.

5. My own characters.

-  I am okay with creating personal 2D commissions featuring characters similar to the guys humanoids commonly seen in my work [ example 1 ] [ example 2.] But I won’t create commissions featuring any specific guy that I’ve already made artwork of, and I won’t accept to create commercial-use work featuring them.

6. A style / way of drawing that is different than my own.

7. I have lifted restrictions on fanart commissions somewhat. I will only accept 2D fanart commissions if I am allowed to create my own interpretation of the character. I will not accept to work on fanart commissions of depictions of characters belonging to individuals or small indie projects. I will also reject to work on a fanart commission if I don't find the character or media they are from to be very interesting or if I have already recently finished / started working on commissions of the character you are requesting. I will not accept to work on NSFW / fetish / nude fanart commissions, they will be rejected.

This list may receive edits/revisions in the future.

Terms of Service 
1. The price of a commission will vary based on medium, size, complexity and other variables.

2. The artist will only discuss commissions via e-mail.

3. The artist must be paid before they begin any official work on the commission. Commissions costing over $50 will receive a test sketch, the artist will not need to receive payment before working on the test sketch. 3D commissions will not receive test sketches. Commissions costing over $120 can have a payment plan, where the client can pay for the commission gradually over time. The artist may pause the commission’s progress until a certain percentage of the commission’s price has been payed. Clients will not receive the final version of their commission until the full payment is complete.

4. The artist may refuse a commission for any reason.

5. The client must provide a detailed description for what is desired for the commission, such as commission type, poses, color, etc. Visual references for character(s) must be provided by the client.

6. The artist offers multiple opportunities for revisions throughout the commission process, the maximum total of revisions will be set based on the commission type and complexity. A list of a maximum of 6 changes will count towards 1 revision, a list of more than 6 changes will count towards multiple revisions.

7. The artist may reject any revisions pertaining to skill or style / way of creating work. Revisions requiring a complete redo of the commission or a redo of a large portion of the commission when it is past the first phase will be rejected.

8. Commissions are separated into phases, for example: sketch -> refinement sketch -> inks -> color. Phases will vary based on the commission medium and other variables. The artist will not move onto the next phase of the commission until the client is satisfied with the current phase.

9. The artist will provide the client with regular updates on the commission. The client may contact the artist for an early update on the commission once 48 hours have passed since the last message they’ve received from the artist.

10. If the client communicates poorly or expresses rude behavior, the artist may cancel the commission.

11. If a commission is canceled during the first phase, either by the artist or client, the client will receive a refund of 50% the cost of the commission if 50% or more of the commission’s cost was payed, otherwise whatever the client has payed will be refunded. Cancellations past the start of the second phase will receive no refund.

12. If the artist cancels the commission due to personal emergencies or sudden lack of time they will give a full refund of what the client has payed for the commission.

13. If the client wishes to use the commissioned work for commercial purposes they will have to pay a fee. The fee will vary based on the product and other factors.

14. Commercial rights to the commission may include permissions such as to alter the artwork slightly, print it onto products, or to promote a service or product. Permissions will be discussed by the artist and client.

15. If a commercial fee was not payed, clients can use the commissioned work for personal purposes only. Such as to have the commissioned work printed for personal display or crop it for use as an online profile icon. They cannot alter the artwork.

16. Clients are not allowed to use the commissioned artwork for NFTs (non-fungible tokens) or anything relating to blockchains/cryptocurrencies.

17. Clients are not allowed to use the commissioned artwork for AI / LLM (machine learning / language modeling) training.

18. Clients can share a low-resolution version of the commission on personal webpages as long as credit is given.

19. The artist can use the artwork for commission examples and inclusion in portfolios. Credit will be given to whoever owns the character(s) shown, but the client may remain anonymous if they desire.

20. Clients must inform the artist if the commission must be finished before a certain date. The artist may refuse a commission if they don’t agree with the deadline.

21. Certain commission types may have unique terms not included in this terms of service, please refer to the commission info card(s) for any unique terms regarding the desired commission type.

22. Clients must read the terms of service and agree to them if they want to commission the artist to produce work. The artist will not work with individuals who have not read or disagree with the terms of
service. Commissioning the artist to produce work means the Client has read and agrees with the artist’s terms of service.

These terms of service may be edited / revised at any time. [latest revision - December 28th, 2024]
Only the current version of these terms at the time of the client’s commission will affect it, it will be attached to the invoice. Future revisions will not affect commissions created previously.

[ Regarding 3D Models ]

By default, after the commission is complete the client will receive a version of the final model that is for personal viewing only. It will be posed and will not include a rig.

For LowPoly Models Only:
Personal Use Only permissions are now included by default for 3D lowpoly model commissions. The client will be provided with an unposed version of the model they can use within games and software for personal use only. They cannot redistribute the model to others. The client may only make modifications to the model that are necessary to make it compatible with any game or software they intend to use. Personal use models cannot be used for commercial or promotion purposes.

Commercial Use Fee: 30% the final price of the commission(s). The client will be provided with an unposed version of the model they can include within games and software that are to be sold or redistributed. The model cannot be redistributed on its own. Clients may make minor adjustments to the geometry and textures, as well as necessary modifications for compatibility with the games or software they intend to use. If the model is included in games, software, or a mod/add-on, the artist must be credited, and if modifications to the model were made by the client, it must be made clear the model has been modified by the client.

Regarding 3D Avatars:
I do not currently have a setup to test models within avatar software, so I am unable to provide models that are compatible out-of-the-box for avatar use. If reference material is provided of the necessary bone structure needed for the avatar rig, I can make a simple rig setup, but it will need modification to be compatible with avatar software. I can provide an unrigged model if that would be preferred.

[ Regarding Character Designs ]

Clients own the character design they commissioned after the design is finalized and payment is complete. They are allowed to modify the design slightly and use the design in commercial projects.
The artist does not need to be credited every time an image of the design is shared, unless it was created by the artist. If the design is used in a commercial project, the artist must be credited for the original design. 
If the character design is for a base that more characters will be derived from (example: a species of creature within a setting), the total price of the character design commission(s) will increase by 30%.
I won't accept to work on character designs for NFT / Character Adoption / Character Trading projects.

[ What the Artist Will Need ]

Visual references of the client’s character(s), these images must be hosted externally. Example services are tumblr, dropbox, and google drive. To conserve storage space do not attach the images directly to the email, provide links to the images instead.

A clear description of what the client desires for the commission, such as medium, size, poses, and color.

The client’s preferred e-mail to send the Paypal invoice to. The artist will not send the invoice until both client and artist have agreed upon the commission.

[ What the Client Will Receive ]

A .jpg image that is the size and dpi requested by the client.

Transparent .png files are optional if the commission medium allows it.

If the commissioned work is 3D, the client will receive a .blend file, a .obj file of the model, as well as the image textures.

A copy of the commission info card along with a .pdf copy of the terms of service.

All files will be digitally delivered within a .zip file via dropbox. 
[ A Commission Form can be found here. ]

[ A Commission Price Inquiry Form can be found here. ]

Commissions / Business Contact:
( For messages regarding commissions and business. )
I don't use messaging apps and messages via social media apps will be ignored, sorry.
My life is busy and email is easier to manage.
General Contact:
1990VERTEX at PM dot ME
( For general questions, comments and mod bug/error reporting. )